5 Amazing foods that are good for you

We love food just as much as we love our family. It can be hard to stay healthy amidst all the delicious goodies that surround us. When we found out the health benefits of these favorites, we just had to share them! It makes us feel more like a healthy girl when the foods we love are actually good for us! Read on to learn our fave surprising healthy foods.
People are always talking about how avocado is a very fatty food. What they won’t tell you though is that the kind of fat in avocados is actually good fat that can help absorb the antioxidants that avocados contain.
We know butter is the sin of all sins when it comes to healthy foods, but what we learned shocked us! Butter is rich in fat-soluble vitamins and fatty acids. These are surprisingly good health benefits, so don’t be too scared of real butter.
Our coffee addicts will love this one! Did you know that a coffee a day might actually increase your lifespan? Coffee on it’s own is extremely high in antioxidants. Don’t get too caught up in riding the coffee wave because more than one cup a day might cause negative symptoms like increasing your high rate causing anxiety.
Peanut Butter
A childhood pleasantry we’ve learned that is not good for us, however, peanut butter is actually a great source of protein and might actually decrease your risk of coronary heart disease. It all depends on how you use it. Make sure it’s the natural stuff with no added sugar!
We’ve been taught that bread is the devil, however a good whole wheat bread is packed with a bunch of overlooked nutrients. Some of these benefits include protein, fiber, B vitamins, and antioxidants. So next time you’re feeling the craving for bread, reach for the whole wheat stuff and it’ll actually be good for you!


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